• 亲爱的家人,




    你. 我们在247房间. 我们的后门通向 




    培养他们天生的学习爱好. 我们用a来做 


    社区建设. 我们将努力保持快乐 


    对我们的学习负责. 不仅要负责 




    This is truly going to be a year of amazing growth for 你r child and I am honored to share it with 你. 

    尽管教室可能还没有完全准备好, 我会在学校的教室里, 星期五下午四点半到五点半, 8月26日, 2022. Please feel free to stop by with 你r child to see the classroom and meet me. There will be popsicles on the playground afterwards for the children. 如果你不能去的话, 请 reach out to me and let me know my contact information is listed below. 

    8月29日星期一th, 开学第一天, parents are invited to stay in the classroom with their child for the first

    如果你愿意的话,一个小时,来缓解过渡. 在第一个60分钟左右之后,我要求你说再见. 如果你的孩子需要帮助,我可以帮你. Just signal to let me know 你 think that 你r child might need help. 如果他们悲伤, 请 know that I have been doing this for over 30 years and although they might be sad for a short time, 这对你来说比对他们来说要难得多. They most often chipper up as soon as parents go; they are ready for this change.

    8月29日星期一th, 开学第一天, parents are invited to join their child in the classroom at 8:10 AM. Our second bell will ring at 8:15 AM; 请 try to have students in the room by 8:15 AM. Our back door in the classroom opens up to the parking lot off Brooks Street, near the bus loop. 学生可以从那里进来,也可以从前门进来. 下午3点18分,我们的上课铃响了. 如果他们正在乘坐公共汽车,我们会帮助他们上公共汽车. 在一天结束的时候,为了安全起见, make visual and verbal contact with me to let me know 你 are taking 你r child. 或者,你可以让你的孩子每天和我一起做这些! 

    早上,在上学的第一天 必要的 that I have 你r child’s end-of-the-day (pick up) plans, before 你 leave. Please be certain that I have correct contact information for reaching 你 if 你r numbers have changed over the summer or since 你 filled in school paperwork. 我们的创业助教, Kim Rasor will be in the room on our first day of school and if needed, 你可以告诉她你的接机信息, 或者在你离开之前添加到我们的图表上的更正. 周五你们来的时候,我们也会有这个图表. 

    幼儿园 students must be picked up by an adult over the 年龄 of 18; this is a school district requirement. This means that 幼儿园 students cannot be picked up by a sibling under the 年龄 of 18. 

    我想花点时间向大家介绍一下我自己. 在过去的31年里,我一直是一名教师和行政人员. I have had the honor of teaching in a variety of educational settings, including teaching at a laboratory school at the University of Michigan and in an open school in a neighboring school district. The majority of my teaching and administrative duties have been in early childhood settings. 在这一堆教学岗位中, I have to say that working at 安娜堡Open@Mack is where my heart is and I feel truly lucky to be part of the community here.



    我爱我的家人让我在周末充满活力. 我们有四个15-33岁的孩子. My daughters are 33, 17 and 15 and I have one son who is also 15 (yep投注网站 他们是双胞胎。! That said, I have provided 你 with my cell phone number in this letter. I am a mom and I know that sometimes a weekend of worry can be cured with one five-minute phone conversation. 最好在晚上8点之间找到我.m. 晚上9点.m. 工作日晚上,如果是放学后. 

    Below is my cellphone number; the mess年龄s 你 leave will be private. 如果我不在,我会尽量在24小时内给你回电话. 发短信也是 非常方便 for me and 你 will find that I can often text 你 back quite quickly. 发短信可能是联系我最简单的方式. 如果我睡着了, 我会把手机的声音关掉, so 请 feel free to leave a late-night text should the need arise. 如果方便的, 请(今天)给我发个短信,让我知道你是谁, 以及你的孩子是谁, 这样我就可以把你加到我的电话簿上了. 如果你给我发电子邮件,我没有像你需要我那样迅速回应, 请给我打电话或发短信提醒我一下! If 你 do not text, 请 drop me an email so I know 你 got this letter. 

    我们想在幼儿园每天提供一份共享的零食, 一些简单的东西,比如饼干, 蔬菜或水果. Having a community snack helps the students feel more comfortable at school and is a valuable, 社会学习经历. 零食由家长提供. 我将在随后的邮件中给你推荐一份零食清单. 通常, 父母每人带两个小零食, 早上一个,下午一个, 对整个班级来说, 每月一次. I will send home a calendar with snack date assignments during the first week of school. Please let me know right away about any food allergies so that we can arrangements to keep all children safe. 在确定我们是否对课堂食物过敏之前, I would like to ask that all snacks are made up of fruits and vegetables for the first week of school. 也, 知道你可以, at any time choose to send in a specific healthy snack for 你r child, 分开的团体零食. 

    Curriculum night is a very important meeting for parents in our class. 它为我们这一年的所有功课定下了基调. 更多的信息将会陆续发布. 如果可能的话,请尽量参加. At Curriculum Night, we can talk about the daily schedule and how kindergarten runs. 我们也谈论幼儿园课程和志愿服务. 这是一个没有学生的家长会. 

    I will be looking for one or two parents to coordinate emails, organize class celebrations & a separate person who can attend AAOC (Ann Arbor Open Coordinating Council) meetings. The AAOC is the equivalent of the Parent-Teachers Organization for our school. 作为我们班的AAOC代表是一份温和的工作, 要求每个人每月至少参加一次会议, and that person will be responsible for sharing meeting minutes with the classroom parents and guardians. I will also be looking for volunteers who would be willing to come in and work in the classroom weekly. 

    It is a good idea for students to have a backpack or bag to carry things home. 幼儿园 projects may be more easily carried in backpacks, or bags that zip or close. 我还要求学生们准备全套换洗衣服, 包括袜子和内衣存放在教室里. 请把它们放进大的, 标签 密封袋,或者一个顶部有盖子的可回收袋. 我们在浴室里有一个架子,用来存放我们多余的衣服. In case of mud or other accidents, students prefer having their own clothes to change into. 

    I am very excited to begin a new school year with (你 and) 你r child. Our 幼儿园 classroom is an active, sometimes loud, often messy place! 这是最好的学习方式. I hope 你 can take the time to volunteer in our classroom and get to know all of the children. 我很荣幸你能来, 作为他们第一个也是最好的老师, 定期与我们合作, 或者你什么时候能来这里玩. I will put out a formal volunteer sheet for specific times and days of the week, 但是你在我们教室里总是受欢迎的.







    (734) 904-4661


  • 黛安娜VanDorn
